Young woman with a cup of coffee and a humanoid robot working while sitting at a laptop in a modern office. Collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence.

Transforming Accounting and Finance with AI for Sage Intacct

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisations are constantly seeking ways to improve operational efficiency and drive growth. One area where technology is making a significant impact is in accounting and finance. Sage has been at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionise how businesses manage their finances.

At Sage Transform 2024, Sage unveiled Sage Copilot, an AI-powered productivity assistant designed to automate workflows, manage cash flow, and generate and send invoices with simple, natural language commands. Sage Copilot acts as a trusted partner, handling administrative tasks, identifying errors, and providing actionable insights in real-time. This innovative tool enables businesses to improve efficiency, reduce manual errors, and drive growth.

In this blog, we explore the transformative impact of AI on accounting and finance, focusing on Sage Intacct’s innovative AI-powered solutions.

Enhancements to Sage Intacct

The latest enhancements to Sage Intacct promise to streamline operations and boost productivity for businesses. AI-powered project and resource management provide greater visibility into resourcing and help keep projects on time. Additionally, forms and operational flows have been improved to help businesses work better and get more done. These enhancements are designed to optimise and automate project management tasks, allowing businesses to focus on their core competencies.

Sage Intacct with AWS for Modern Finance

Sage partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enhance how small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) optimise their operations with generative AI. This collaboration will inform Sage Copilot and serve as a foundation for SMBs to navigate local accounting and compliance applications. The agreement not only enables SMBs to leverage Sage Intacct in the AWS Marketplace but also helps them navigate the complexities of modern finance and address environmental responsibilities with cutting-edge solutions.

The Advantages of AI for Finance Teams

For Sage Intacct users, AI offers a range of specific benefits tailored to finance departments. These include the following:

Simplified Automation: Sage Intacct leverages AI for automated financial tasks like invoice processing and expense management, reducing errors and improving efficiency;

Insightful Analytics: AI-powered analytics in Sage Intacct offer actionable insights into financial performance and trends, aiding in informed decision-making;

Proactive Forecasting: Sage Intacct’s AI capabilities enable predictive analytics for forecasting financial outcomes and identifying risks and opportunities;

Tailored Reporting: AI-driven reporting tools in Sage Intacct allow for quick and accurate generation of customisable financial reports, aiding in timely analysis;

Fraud Prevention: Sage Intacct’s AI algorithms detect anomalies in financial data, aiding in the detection and mitigation of fraud risks;

Personalised Recommendations: AI algorithms analyse customer and transaction data in Sage Intacct to offer personalised financial recommendations;

Compliance Support: Sage Intacct automates compliance checks and reporting processes, ensuring adherence to accounting standards and regulations;

Cost Efficiency: Sage Intacct helps identify cost-saving opportunities and optimise resource allocation for improved profitability;

Streamlined Workflows: AI-driven workflows in Sage Intacct automate approval processes, reducing manual effort and accelerating financial transactions;

Scalability and Flexibility: Sage Intacct’s cloud-based platform with AI capabilities enables seamless scaling and adaptation to changing business requirements.

Transform Your Finance Team with Envisage

Sage Intacct’s AI-powered solutions are transforming the accounting and finance landscape, enabling businesses to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and drive growth. With Sage Copilot and the latest enhancements, businesses can streamline operations, boost productivity, and make smarter decisions.

Envisage has a skilled Sage technical team in Ireland, specialising in implementation, support, and development. Contact us if you’re thinking about upgrading your accounting software to streamline operations for your finance teams. Our experts can simplify the process of upgrading your current software and integrating Sage Intacct.

About the Author

Picture of David Burke

David Burke

David Burke, the Technical Director for Envisage, is responsible for developing bespoke and off-the-shelf solutions, including easyDD for Sage. In 2023, he achieved accreditation as a Sage Intacct Implementation Certified Consultant.

warehouse worker using bar code scanner to analyze newly arrived goods for further placement in storage department, logistic working at warehouse.

Growing Your Business with Sage Software

More so than ever before, businesses are reliant on software solutions to help them improve operational efficiency and support long-term growth plans. Whether you’re a start-up with ambitious goals or a small enterprise wanting to expand your offerings, the right software can have a significant impact on day-to-day operations, enabling you to focus your time and attention on other key aspects of your business.

Sage software has long been a preferred choice for businesses of all sizes. Known for its comprehensive capabilities, Sage offers a range of solutions that cater to the varied needs of different sectors, from distribution and retail to healthcare and hospitality. Sage provides the tools required to streamline processes, improve financial accuracy and foster better customer relationships, making it an essential asset for any business aiming to succeed in today’s competitive environment. Below we have explored how implementing the right Sage software solutions can help you grow your business in more detail. 

Why the Right Software is Essential for Business Success

The right business software does more than just automate manual and repetitive tasks, it enhances your organisation’s overall capability to perform and compete. Not to mention, it integrates seamlessly with existing systems, reducing downtime and learning curves, which further streamlines operations. Investing in the right software also provides critical data and insights which can lead to better decision-making, ultimately enabling your business to make the most of new opportunities and drive ongoing success.

In today’s competitive business landscape where efficiency and performance are not just goals but necessities for survival and growth, investing in the right tools can make a significant difference. For businesses of all sizes, this means choosing software that not only fits their current needs but also scales with them as they grow.

The Popularity and Versatility of Sage Software

Sage software is known for its versatility and adaptability, and it can benefit businesses across a wide range of industries. With a suite of solutions that cover everything from projects to supply chain and beyond, Sage software doesn’t just manage your finances. Implementing Sage software into day-to-day operations can give you full control and visibility over your business, so you always know what’s happening.

Whether you’re a small start-up or an established organisation, Sage has options that can be tailored to your specific challenges and complexities. From Sage 200 which helps small and medium-sized enterprises manage various aspects of their operations to Sage Intacct which is a powerful financial management solution, the Sage product range caters to all businesses. This flexibility is one of the many reasons why Sage is a top choice among businesses in Ireland and globally. Not to mention, with a selection of integrated apps available, with Sage software, you can make your business smarter, more efficient and cost-effective.

How Sage Software Supports Business Growth

Sage software is a useful tool that can support your business as it scales and evolves over time. It offers a vast range of features that improve operational efficiency, financial visibility and regulatory compliance, to name a few, ensuring every aspect of your business is optimised for success. Here’s how Sage can help your business grow;

  • Streamlined Operations

One of the main ways Sage software supports business growth is by streamlining operations. By automating routine tasks, Sage frees up your team’s time so they can focus on more important activities. This includes everything from automatic invoicing to managing inventory levels. With these processes streamlined, your business can operate much more efficiently and even reduce operating costs, enabling you to allocate resources to critical growth areas. Of course, automation reduces the likelihood of human error too, which in turn, boosts productivity and profitability.

  • Real-Time Financial Insights

Sage software provides real-time visibility into your financial data, which is crucial for making informed business decisions. With comprehensive reporting tools and dashboards, you can track your financial performance, monitor budgets and manage cash flow more effectively. This level of insight is vital for spotting trends, identifying potential issues before they become big problems, and making the most of opportunities that can drive growth. Enhanced financial insights also help with risk management by providing accurate data that supports strategic planning and decision-making.

  • Scalability

As businesses grow, their needs become more complex. Sage software is designed to grow with your business, handling increased data volumes, users and transactions. This scalability ensures that as your operations evolve, you don’t need to have a complete overhaul of your software and it remains efficient. Your Sage solution can adapt, adding new features and capabilities, saving time and money and ensuring you can continue to benefit from efficient software no matter the stage of your business growth. The modular design of Sage makes it a perfect fit for expanding business requirements.

  • Compliance and Security

In today’s strict regulatory environment, compliance and security are paramount to business success. Sage software helps ensure all aspects of your organisation adhere to the latest legal regulations and standards, whether it’s GDPR in Europe or other local compliance requirements. With robust security features in place, Sage also protects sensitive data, giving you and your customers peace of mind. This commitment to compliance and security also helps build trust with stakeholders, which is an essential factor for not just business growth but also long-term sustainability.

  • Integrated Apps

As touched on above, Sage can benefit from a range of integrated apps that maximise the benefits of the software, further enhancing its value. These apps extend the functionality of Sage solutions, allowing for unique customisation based on your specific business needs. Whether it’s barcoding and warehouse management or document management, the integration of additional applications ensures every aspect of your business is functioning optimally. This capability makes Sage more than just smart software, but a comprehensive business management solution.

Implementing Sage Software into Operations

All in all, when growing your business, Sage has a range of options and choices available that can support you from a small start-up to a large enterprise. With the help of an experienced Sage partner, you can ensure you’re implementing the right Sage products for your unique needs and benefiting from everything that Sage software has to offer.

Our team at Envisage has vast experience when it comes to recommending the right solution for our customers. We work with an array of businesses and take the time to get to know and understand our customers’ needs. We can recommend Sage solutions to not only improve operations but future-proof your business and we ensure each project delivers consistent results.

With its versatility, scalability and comprehensive suite of features, it’s easy to see why Sage is a popular choice for businesses in Ireland. Get in touch with us today to discuss your specific requirements. You can rest assured that we have the most experienced Sage technical team in Ireland and you will be in very capable hands when you turn to Envisage.

About the Author

Picture of Ivan Darmody

Ivan Darmody

Ivan is a customer-centric self-starter with a passion for technology. With extensive sales experience in various industries, he has focused on problem-solving customers’ requirements and providing the best solutions to streamline their processes while maximising potential utilising both direct and indirect sales channels.


How Not-for-Profits Can Overcome Financial Challenges with Sage Intacct

For not-for-profit organisations, managing finances has become more complex than ever before. Tight budgets, donor expectations for transparency and the need to adhere to strict financial regulations have made it essential for not-for-profits to adopt robust accounting solutions.

Below, we have explored the challenges not-for-profits face and the key benefits that the right ERP solution can bring to your organisation. From streamlining financial processes, improving transparency and helping you achieve your mission more effectively.

Unique Financial Challenges for Not-For-Profits

Not-for-profit organisations have different financial objectives from for-profit organisations. They also rely heavily on donations, grants and other funding sources to carry out their missions, making financial stability and accountability crucial. Here are some of the distinct financial challenges faced by not-for-profits:

Transparency Expectations – Donors and supporters, as well as boards and executives, expect transparency in how funds are used. They want to see every pound put to good use and demand clear financial reporting.

Compliance Requirements – Not-for-profit organisations are subject to specific regulatory standards and precise record-keeping is essential. To ensure compliance, they need to be able to account for all funds.

Limited Resources – Lots of not-for-profits operate on tight budgets, resulting in small finance teams with limited accounting software. However, efficient financial management is required to maximise resources and minimise overheads.

How Sage Intacct Addresses These Challenges

Sage Intacct accounting software provides a comprehensive solution that can help not-for-profit organisations overcome the financial challenges they face. With the help of cloud-based financial software, not-for-profits can gain full visibility with real-time data and effectively manage their finances. Here’s how Sage Intacct can be a game-changer for your organisation:

Customised Financial Reports

Sage Intacct provides not-for-profits with the ability to create customised financial reports tailored to their unique needs. This feature allows you to present financial information in a clear and concise way, making it easier to communicate with donors, board members and executives, all of whom have different reporting priorities. With Sage Intacct, you can generate reports that highlight key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to your organisation’s mission and goals, ensuring you’re showing the data that’s needed.

Improved Grant Management

For organisations that rely on grants and funding from various sources, Sage Intacct offers advanced financial management capabilities. You can track expenses, allocate funds to specific projects and ensure compliance with grant requirements. This feature helps not-for-profits demonstrate accountability to donors and grantors, and every pound can be allocated for full transparency, strengthening relationships and trust.

Real-Time Data

Unlike other financial tools, such as spreadsheets, which typically only provide month-end reporting, Sage Intacct provides real-time insights into financial performance. This feature empowers not-for-profits to monitor the financial health of various projects, enabling proactive decision-making and the ability to address any financial challenges promptly. With accurate data from finance teams, you can ensure you’re making the right choices for the organisation at this specific moment in time.

Enhanced Budgeting and Planning

Budgeting is a critical aspect of financial management for not-for-profits. Sage Intacct’s budgeting and planning tools allow you to create detailed budgets, monitor actual expenses against budgeted amounts and make informed decisions based on real-time financial data. This capability helps not-for-profit organisations make the most of their resources and align spending with their overall mission, all without taking up too much of the finance team’s time.


Whether your not-for-profit is just starting out or has been established for years, Sage Intacct accounting software can scale to meet your ongoing needs. As your operations grow, the software can accommodate additional users, transactions and entities, ensuring your financial management system remains robust and flexible. As a true cloud accounting solution, you will always have the functionality you need to remain successful.

Integration with Other Systems

Sage Intacct can seamlessly integrate and connect with other external software systems, optimising efficiency across all departments. This integration streamlines data flow and also reduces manual data entry, minimising the risk of errors and the problems they cause. Not to mention, the automation provided by Sage Intacct accounting software can reduce administrative tasks and enhance overall performance. For organisations with charity shops, we can help deliver the end-to-end solution from the till system through to Sage Intacct.

Investing in Sage Intacct Accounting Software

Managing not-for-profit finances effectively is essential for achieving your organisation’s mission and maintaining the trust of donors and stakeholders. Sage Intacct offers a comprehensive solution that can meet the unique needs of not-for-profits, helping you navigate the complex financial landscape with ease. With this powerful tool at your disposal, you can focus on what matters most, making a positive impact on your community and the world.

If you’re considering investing in new accounting software to streamline your finances our team at Envisage is here to help. We’re proud to say that as a leading Sage Partner, we have the most experienced Sage technical team in Ireland and we can support you with the implementation of new software. Our specialists will work closely with you and do a lot of hands-on research, ensuring we fully understand your needs and create a solution that is perfect for your organisation. By getting it right the first time, we can save you time, money and a lot of hassle.

On April 24th, we hosted a webinar on how not-for-profits can navigate financial complexities with Sage Intacct.

The following topics were discussed:

• Grant & Donation Tracking & Reporting

• Fund Accounting including restricted donations

• Multi-entity Accounting

• Spend Management

• Real-time Reporting and Dashboards

About the Author

Picture of Kyle Moore

Kyle Moore

Kyle works as a Senior Consultant on the implementation team for Envisage. His focus is on the Sage 200 accounting system products and some of the value-added products. Kyle started off at Envisage on the technical support side before he moved over to the implementation team. With 25 years of experience working with Sage 200 in its various guises, he has vast knowledge of the product and our customers, and understands how their businesses work.

Business Growth

Why Upgrade from Sage 50 to Sage Intacct

As a valued member of the Sage family, we prioritise your growth and success above all else. As your business expands and evolves, you may find yourself pushing the boundaries of Sage 50. Our main goal is to ensure that you have the perfect solution to position yourself for success in every stage of your business journey. For many of our customers, the ideal solution has been transitioning to the cloud with Sage Intacct.

Created as a cloud-based solution right from the start, Sage Intacct has enabled countless Sage 50 users around the world to work flexibly and effortlessly. But when should you start thinking about making the switch from Sage 50 to Sage Intacct?

5 Signs your business has outgrown Sage 50

1. The need to access systems remotely 

With Sage 50, you are limited to just two options for accessing your business’s systems: working from the office or setting up a remote-access server. Unfortunately, the former often results in long hours and weekends spent away from your loved ones, while the latter requires investing in infrastructure and additional IT personnel to keep it running smoothly. Not being able to access systems from anywhere, at any time, puts strain on the business’s operations and how efficiently they work.

2. You have unscalable, error-prone manual processes

It’s incredibly easy for inefficient processes that may have worked when you first started out to gradually become the “norm” even though they can’t handle growth and expansion. This often leads to the need for hiring more staff as your business grows. Without automation to streamline operations, you risk losing valuable time to manual tasks. Plus, there’s an increased chance of errors when manually inputting data, which can further hinder progress. These manual processes ultimately effect your business’s ability to thrive, causing you to fall behind and miss out on valuable opportunities.

3. You’re doing too much of your reporting in excel

As your business continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to have a comprehensive reporting system in place. Unfortunately, Sage 50 lacks the ability to create calculated fields, making it impossible to combine financial and non-financial data for easy analysis, such as tracking revenue generated per sales representative. This limitation often leads to delays and, in some cases, missed deadlines when generating reports for executives and the board. Needless to say, this is a situation that no one wants to find themselves in.

4. You are experiencing integration issues

Integrating Sage 50 with other software or third-party applications can be quite challenging, resulting in issues with data consistency and the need for manual data entry. Many industries have specific requirements that can only be met by top-notch vendors. When these systems are unable to communicate effectively, it often leads to the adoption of manual workarounds, which can be both costly and time-consuming.

5. Your multi-entity consolidations take hours to days

Because Sage 50 was designed as an on-premises solution, it may not meet the needs of organizations that have multiple business entities. This can result in the need for manual entry of inter-entity transactions to ensure balanced books. As a result, consolidations can become time-consuming, taking hours or even days to complete as data from all entities must be exported and combined in Excel. These delays can have a significant impact on the speed at which books can be closed.

Reasons to upgrade to Sage Intacct

Improved visibility

Sage Intacct offers useful reporting and analytics capabilities, giving you real-time insights into your financial performance. You can customize dashboards and reports to track important metrics, budgets, and KPIs, making it easier to make informed decisions. With Sage Intacct, understanding how your business is performing becomes effortless, enabling it to thrive and succeed. Plus, you’ll have the ability to generate the reports you need in just seconds, thanks to calculated fields and unlimited dimensions.

Improved accessibility

Sage Intacct, being a cloud-based platform, offers the flexibility and accessibility you need to access critical financial information and perform tasks on the go. This supports a remote work environment and enables real-time collaboration, ensuring that your business can keep up and seize every opportunity without any time being wasted.

Scalability and profitability

Sage Intacct offers the scalability and flexibility that businesses need to adapt to their changing needs. It efficiently manages increased transaction volumes, multi-entity operations, and complex financial structures, supporting your business’s expansion. By automating manual tasks, reducing errors, and optimising financial operations, Sage Intacct can lead to significant cost savings. This ultimately translates into increased productivity and improved financial management, providing a strong return on investment for your business.

The software offers a complete audit trail and meets all auditing requirements. This simplifies the auditing process, ensuring accurate data and compliance during audits. As a result, it saves valuable time and money associated with audits.

Streamlined multi-entity management

With Sage Intacct, your business can effortlessly consolidate hundreds of entities in just minutes, eliminating the need for days of manual work. Additionally, setting up new entities can be done in a matter of minutes without the expense of consultants. This ensures that your valuable resources are not wasted on manual data entry, allowing for seamless updates with Sage Intacct. As a result, delays are reduced, and your business can experience accelerated growth.

Why upgrade to Sage Intacct with Envisage

Ultimately, Sage Intacct offers a comprehensive solution that greatly enhances your business’s financial processes. By automating tasks, ensuring accuracy, and boosting efficiency, this accounting system can truly transform how your finance team operates. With its exceptional advantages specifically designed to address the diverse needs of different industries, investing in Sage Intacct is a wise and strategic decision.

If you’re interested in learning more about Sage Intacct, feel free to reach out to our team at Envisage. We would be more than happy to assist you in determining if it’s the right solution for your business and help with the software implementation. Our commitment is to provide you with an efficient end-to-end service, and we would be delighted to have a no-obligation conversation with you.

Sign up to watch Sage Intacct in action below:

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Simplifying Business Operations with Unified Software Solutions

Enhancing Planning and Budgeting Capabilities with Sage Intacct

Simplifying Business Operations with Unified Software Solutions

Accurate planning and budgeting are critical components for the long-term success of any business, regardless of size or industry sector. With advancements in technology, organisations now have the opportunity to move beyond traditional methods of budgeting and embrace more sophisticated tools. Replacing your spreadsheets with Sage Intacct can revolutionise how you budget and plan ahead for the future.

Below we have explored this modern accounting software in more detail, highlighting how it can enhance budgeting capabilities and streamline processes for finance departments.

How Accurate Budgeting Supports Business Success

Budgeting isn’t just an exercise that financial teams undertake at the beginning of the fiscal year, it’s an ongoing activity that’s the backbone of decision-making and financial management. Accurate budgeting allows organisations to allocate resources where they are most needed, which can boost efficiency and drive growth.

Some of the key benefits of precise budgeting include:

Strategic Alignment – Accurate budgeting aligns financial resources with organisational goals, ensuring that every euro spent contributes to achieving the strategic vision.

Risk Management – Predicting revenue and costs allows companies to set aside a contingency fund, helping mitigate risks and uncertainties in the future.

Cash Flow Optimisation – Well-planned budgets help to maintain optimal cash flow levels, ensuring that a business can meet all its obligations.

Performance Tracking – Comprehensive budgets become a baseline for evaluating actual performance against expected outcomes. This allows for real-time adjustments, supporting the changing needs of a business.

Spreadsheets v Sage Intacct

While spreadsheets have been the go-to tool for budgeting and planning for many years, they come with several challenges. From limited data integration and manual data entry errors to scalability issues, spreadsheets aren’t always the best option for day-to-day budgets.

For businesses looking to enhance their budgeting and planning capabilities, Sage Intacct accounting software is an effective alternative to spreadsheets for many financial tasks. This comprehensive solution can meet all of your financial management needs and reduce your reliance on inflexible, traditional tools like spreadsheets.


Automation is one of Sage Intacct’s standout features that provides tangible benefits for budgeting and planning. By automating complex or repetitive tasks, you can remove the need for manual data entry, freeing up time to focus on data analysis and strategic planning. Automation can reduce the risk of human error too, ensuring you get the accurate insights you need to drive your business forward. Enhancing the efficiency of your finance teams and increasing the reliability of your data will enable you to deliver financial insights much easier.

Real-Time Data

In today’s fast-paced business world, real-time data access is crucial for making informed decisions. Sage Intacct offers real-time insights to a wide range of departments, allowing collaboration across the entire organisation. This efficient accounting software enables you to make timely adjustments to your budget and strategy too. You can see the whole financial picture, so you can act quickly to seize opportunities or mitigate problems as they arise. This gives you a competitive edge in a saturated industry.


Scalability is a significant factor to consider whenever you’re selecting a budgeting and planning tool for your business. Sage Intacct financial management software is designed to scale with your business, ensuring you don’t outgrow the software or need to make constant adjustments to fit your needs. With multi-currency reporting and additional functionality available, it’s a long-term solution that will serve you well regardless of what the future holds. Not to mention, Sage Intacct integrates with a variety of other applications too.


Sage Intacct offers robust customisation features that allow you to tailor the software to meet your specific business needs. Whether you’re operating a small start-up, a large enterprise or a growing business, you can configure Sage Intacct to align perfectly with your budgeting and planning requirements. This level of customisation provides a more user-friendly experience, ensuring that the tool serves as an extension of your financial team. With features like rolling forecasts and what-if scenario modelling, you can use what’s most beneficial to you.


One of the most compelling features of Sage Intacct accounting software is that it’s cloud-based, offering unparalleled flexibility and accessibility. Regardless of your location, cloud accounting solutions allow you to access your financial data anytime. This level of convenience enables your team to collaborate more effectively and streamlines the decision-making process. You will be able to adjust your budget and planning strategies as and when needed, without being tied to a specific physical location.

Straightforward Use

One critical factor when choosing a budgeting and planning solution is the ease in which it can be set up and used by finance departments. Sage Intacct offers an intuitive point-and-click setup, allowing your financial team to be up and running in no time. The tours and walkthroughs make the various functionalities easy to use from the get-go too. This means less time spent on training and troubleshooting, so your team can focus on what matters most; strategic financial planning and effective budgeting.

Integrating Sage Intacct

Ultimately, Sage Intacct provides a comprehensive solution that enhances planning and budgeting processes. By providing automation, accuracy and efficiency, this accounting system can revolutionise how your finance team operates on a day-to-day basis. With its unique benefits tailored to meet the challenges of different industries and business types, it’s a great investment. By integrating Sage Intacct into your operations, you can not only gain a competitive advantage but also position your business for sustainable growth.

If you’d like to learn more about Sage Intacct in Ireland, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Envisage. With the most experienced Sage technical team in-house, we can confidently say we ‘know our stuff’. We have assisted a variety of clients with their accounting and finance system needs and have developed creative solutions to their unique challenges.

You can find out more about our approach on our website and if you have any questions at all about Sage software, we will happily answer these for you.

We’re delighted to be exhibiting at this years ERP Head to Head where we’ll be showcasing Sage Intacct and the benefits of this solution.

Sign up to watch Sage Intacct in action below:

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AI Learning Resize

How Advancements in AI Technology Can Benefit Finance Departments

AI Learning Resize

In today’s digital world, technological breakthroughs are becoming more common. However, nothing has revolutionised day-to-day life quite as much as Artificial Intelligence. Computers having the ability to emulate human thoughts can seem concerning at first and while there are challenges to overcome, the benefits are substantial. When AI is used responsibly, it can transform the way finance departments operate.

AI has been in the media almost daily over the past few months and as the public becomes more aware of the capabilities of AI, it’s no surprise that CFOs and finance leaders are keen to reap the benefits of this technology. There are several ways forward-thinking finance teams can leverage the power of AI technology for finance departments. Various elements of the accounting process could be improved with the right AI tools, significantly enhancing productivity and output.

The continuous growth of AI means that it can now add value to businesses in ways that were previously unimaginable. From automating monotonous tasks and streamlining operations to generating reports and increasing the reliability of data, AI could change financial management for businesses of all sizes. Below we have further explored how the latest advancements in AI technology can benefit finance departments and how accounting software like Sage Intacct is already making use of Artificial Intelligence.

Automating Routine Tasks

There is an abundance of repetitive and time-consuming tasks that are essential to financial processes. AI can take over routine responsibilities and specific tasks from finance teams, such as data entry and invoice processing, saving hours of manual work and freeing up time for other more strategic tasks. When routine jobs are automated, finance experts can focus on future planning and decision-making.

By replacing manual tasks with automated solutions, AI can also help to reduce the risk of human error. Your data will instantly become more reliable when it’s not manually inputted, for example, and you can reap the benefits of accuracy. Not to mention, AI can complete repetitive tasks much quicker than finance teams. This can help to prevent common bottlenecks and streamline operations.

Decision-Making with Data Analytics

Data is essential in the financial world. AI can process vast amounts of real-time information in a matter of seconds, providing insights and trends that humans might overlook. You can trust that AI won’t miss patterns that could be key to decision-making and you will have all of the financial reports you need to make informed decisions about the future of the business. When it comes to responding to market changes, quick and reliable data is particularly beneficial.

The ability to analyse large amounts of data accurately enables finance departments to make more informed decisions, whether they relate to financial planning or investment strategies. In addition to analysing past data, AI can even use existing information to predict the future. By leveraging predictive analytics, finance professionals can anticipate things like market trends and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Risk Management

With AI, risk management reaches a new level of accuracy. This core responsibility of finance departments is made much more straightforward and you can trust that nothing will be overlooked. AI can analyse historical data and various risk factors to predict potential outcomes and highlight future risks that businesses need to consider. AI can be continually refined as more data becomes available, leading to increasingly precise risk assessments.

AI technology can even be used for forecasting and it has more capabilities than humans. By analysing things such as customer-related data, AI can predict future behaviours and enable you to plan accordingly to ensure future success. Through every stage of the supply chain, AI can help to reduce risks and ensure business continuity, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and profitability.

Compliance and Regulation

Regulatory compliance in the finance department is often a complex and labour-intensive process. AI can simplify this task by automatically monitoring transactions and other activities to ensure that they comply with relevant laws and regulations. This can reduce the resources required for compliance management and enable finance teams to focus on other important aspects of their job roles. Not to mention, it also minimises the chance of human error.

It’s possible to use AI to stay on top of industry regulation changes as well. You can be notified of changes that will impact business operations and even use AI to summarise important documents and highlight key information finance departments need to be aware of. Complying with all legal requirements couldn’t be easier with AI and the right technology can prevent the problems associated with non-compliance.

Accounting Software and AI Technology

Lots of accounting software already uses AI technology to improve functionality for users, you just might not know about it. Sage Intacct, for example, utilises AI technology in several ways that can benefit finance departments. Knowing more about the accounting capabilities of your software and understanding how AI is used can help you to make the most of your systems and improve the accounting process as a whole.

We have recently explored some of the main ways Sage Intacct delivers AI benefits to users. However, there is much more to Sage Intacct and its functionality can significantly improve day-to-day accounting tasks. Keep an eye on our blog page for more information about AI and Machine Learning, and how technology is not just revolutionising finance departments, but business operations across all industry sectors.

Speak to an Expert About Sage Intacct in Ireland

If you’ve been considering updating your accounting software to streamline operations for finance teams, we can answer any questions you may have about Sage Intacct. At Envisage, we work in partnership with our clients to help them find the best solutions to their unique challenges. We specialise in Sage Intacct product ranges and we have a highly skilled and creative development team.

When you contact us about Sage Intacct, not only can we help you to determine whether it’s the right solution for you, but we can assist you with the implementation of this software. Our experts can make the process of updating your current software and implementing Sage Intacct as straightforward as possible. We are committed to providing an efficient end-to-end service and we would love to have a no-obligation chat with you.

To learn more about the benefits that Sage Intacct can bring to your business, download a copy of our brochure:

Sage 200 to Overcome Common Inefficiencies

Reporting with Dashboards & KPI’s VS Spreadsheets

Sage 200 to Overcome Common Inefficiencies

Spreadsheets have been a go-to tool for businesses when it comes to organising and analysing data for decades. Many continue to use spreadsheets for financial reporting as well as for monitoring various operational metrics. However, spreadsheets aren’t necessarily the best option available for data analysis now and there are several modern software solutions available that are specifically designed to streamline the reporting process.

From small start-ups to large multinational corporations, companies of all sizes can benefit from updating their systems and using smart accounting software, like Sage Intacct. Although many are currently reliant on spreadsheets, the dashboards and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) within Sage Intacct can transform the reporting process. As your operations grow and data becomes more complex, there are several limitations to using spreadsheets and now is the perfect time to introduce Sage Intacct into your reporting process.

Below we have explored how dashboards and KPIs can be beneficial when you’re reporting and why they’re a preferred choice to spreadsheets for lots of growing companies.

How Dashboards and KPIs can Benefit Reporting

When compared to using spreadsheets and manually gathering, inputting and analysing data, using dashboards and KPIs can be hugely beneficial. Sage Intacct provides you with accurate data at your fingertips and the reporting capabilities can help you to ensure you’re providing the right people with the best insights at the right time. Some of the key benefits of using detailed dashboards and KPIs include:

Real-time data – Accounting software like Sage Intacct will provide you with real-time data that is automatically updated. You can select KPIs to track on your dashboards and this will make it easy to analyse business performance. Removing the need for manual data entry and updating can save time and ensure you always have the up-to-date data you need to make business decisions.

Visual representation The dashboards in Sage Intacct will provide you with a visual representation of data and you can clearly see the information that matters most. It will be much easier to spot trends, flag exceptions and identify patterns when you have report visualisation. In contrast, when data is spread across different spreadsheets, it can be very difficult to turn it into useful insights.

Interactivity Modern, online accounting software is designed to be interactive and you can tailor the reporting experience to your specific needs. Using dashboards and KPIs, you will have full financial transparency and you can drill down into data to get a much more detailed view of performance. This will enable you to identify the root cause of any issues and make data-driven decisions.

Collaboration – The customisable dashboards can be shared with different departments and stakeholders in real time through email or via the cloud. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and it enables collaboration. You have full control over who sees real-time reports and period-end views, and you won’t have to manually consolidate or share data like you do with spreadsheets.

Ease of use – Sage Intacct is designed to be straightforward to use. Its simple and modern interface will enable the whole team to access the data they need, whenever they need it. There will be no time-consuming and error-prone spreadsheet formulas and functions to worry about, and you won’t require advanced skills or knowledge to make the most of the Sage Intacct functionality.

While spreadsheets still have their place in business, they are no longer the best option available for reporting. Keeping finances in good health starts with using dashboards and KPIs, which will provide you with the real-time visibility you need and will streamline your reporting process. Not only can accounting software save you time and enable you to use your resources more efficiently, but it can improve the accuracy of data reporting and provide you with a competitive edge.

Using Sage Intacct to Improve Reporting Capabilities

Sage Intacct is user-friendly, cloud-based accounting software that supports the needs of businesses in different industries. It’s a highly flexible solution that can be scaled up as your business grows and it provides impressive reporting capabilities. Sage Intacct offers a variety of dashboard features to help businesses track their financial performance, including:

Customisable reports – This accounting software provides a range of standard reports that can be customised to suit your current business needs. Whether you have multiple locations or you operate in multiple currencies, it will be easy for you to create your own reports using the Report Writer tool.

Real-time data – As mentioned above, Sage Intacct provides real-time data that can be accessed from anywhere at any time. It enables you to keep your finger on the pulse of your growing business and make informed decisions quickly. Having a flow of up-to-date data across your organisation can be very useful.

Interactive dashboards – This cloud-based solution offers interactive dashboards that provide a visual representation of your financial data. The dashboards allow you to easily track the performance of your business and you can customise them to display the metrics that matter most, ensuring nothing important is overlooked.

Drill-down capabilities – Sage Intacct enables you to drill down into 24/7 data to get a more detailed view of your financials. Being able to identify trends and spot patterns will help you to make informed decisions to drive your success. Having a full audit trail and being able to highlight exceptions is beneficial too.

Connected solution – Not only can Sage Intacct be beneficial for accountants and bookkeepers, but it opens up a world of insights to all key stakeholders. It allows users to collaborate on reports and dashboards, making it easy to share information across teams. Not to mention, it also connects with other industry-specific solutions.

Try Sage Intacct Accounting Software in Ireland

If you’re currently using spreadsheets for reporting, you should look into Sage Intacct in more detail. This financial management solution can help drive your internal efficiencies and it can be useful for both small businesses and multinational corporations. If you have any questions about how Sage Intacct can help your business, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Envisage today. We specialise in modern accounting software in Ireland and we will happily discuss the benefits of upgrading to Sage Intacct with you in more detail.

Here at Envisage, we take the time to truly understand our customer’s unique needs and we work in partnership with them to find the best solutions to their problems. We pride ourselves on being open and honest from the outset, and we genuinely care about the outcome of the projects we work on. Building and maintaining relationships with our customers is important to us and we look forward to being of assistance to you.